About Us and Bios

Dr. Paul Alexander
Dr. Paul Elias Alexander, Ph.D. is a global expert on COVID-19. Alexander holds master’s level study at York University Canada, a master’s in epidemiology at the University of Toronto, a master’s in evidence-based medicine at Oxford and a doctorate in evidence-based medicine and research methods from McMaster University in Canada.

Dr. Chris Shoemaker
Dr. Chris Alan Shoemaker, M.D. is a Comprehensive Physician in Ontario and member of the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CCFP).
He has in his 45 year career worked in Emergency and Urgent Care Medicine in both Ontario and British Columbia.

Dr. Mark Trozzi
Dr. Mark Trozzi graduated in 1990 from the University of Western Ontario medical school, and has been practising Emergency Medicine for the past twenty-five years. He is also an Advanced Trauma Life Support professor with the College of Surgeons of America and has held teaching positions in several Canadian medical schools. From the onset of the so-called “pandemic” until February of 2021, he was on call in several emergency units, including one designated specifically for Covid-19.

Dr Sam Dube

Dr. Joe Kellerstein
Dr Kellerstein graduated Chiropractic in 1980 with an overpowering curiosity about natural healing and an instinct that there must be much more out there. It was at that time that the Holistic medical movement was gaining momentum. Here in Ontario the Naturopathic profession was at the forefront. He graduated in the third class of Naturopathic medicine in 1984. It was truly a turbulent and pioneering time. Both the press and the medical profession were, to say the least, less than friendly. There was even a political move to disenfranchise the profession. Initially our small school was located in an old art gallery in Kitchener, Ontario – kind of fitting for a group of medical rebels.
Having studied Homeopathy as part of the Naturopathic curriculum, it was love at first sight. Here was a truly holistic, gentle system of medicine with a very long (1800) track record and huge medical literature. Its recorded cures were and still are unparalleled.

Michael Alexander
Michael Alexander is one of Canada’s leading administrative and constitutional lawyers. For the past two years, his practice has been devoted exclusively to representing doctors in Canada and the United States who are being persecuted by professional colleges, regulatory bodies and governments for speaking out against the public Covid-19 narrative.

Amanda Forbes
President of Children’s Health Defense Canada
Co-Host of CHD.TV’s Tea Time on (Monday’s at 12 EST) and the
Host of the uncensored CHD.TV show Around The World with Amanda Forbes.

Jody Ledgerwood

Kristen Nagle
Co-Founder of CFLN
Former Registered Nurse BScN, RHN – Ontario, Canada
From Frontline Healthcare Worker to the Frontlines of Freedom. Kristen Nagle has had a very busy two years. A dedicated nurse of 14 years, primarily in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, she has taken on a new role of activism and Health Care advocacy, after being terminated from her position as a RN for speaking up against the narrative. Realizing the immense harms public health measures were having on the public. She is the cofounder of Canadian Frontline Nurses who’s mission is to advocate for medical freedom, unite nurses, educate the public and bring ethics back into healthcare. Her background in Holistic Nutrition has helped her understand conventional medicine as well as whole body wellness that incorporates the mind, body and spirit to uncover the root cause of illness. Kristen is a dedicated mother and homeschool teacher to her family in Ontario. This drives her passion for children’s health as she empowers families as live a more natural life in harmony with the Earth.

Sarah Choujounian
Sarah Choujounian was the first nurse to speak up at a rally against the lockdowns in Canada. She is also the co-founder of Canadian Frontline Nurses who are now creating a new healthcare paradigm.
She is also the founder of Lighting Up Dark Corners, an organization aiming at empowering people to heal and rise above their mental health issues by going to the root cause of the problem instead of numbing them with drugs and/or prescription medications.

Vincent Gircys
Vincent had served with the Ministry of the Solicitor General employed by the O.P.P. for 32 years. He conducted over 4000 investigations, was a Forensic Reconstructionist and a member of the Emergency Response Team. He has testified on numerous occasions as an expert witness in various courts. Having retired from his policing career he is now vocal in exposing the relationships between media, big tech and our government agencies and has become the Canadian representative for the international organization Police for Freedom www.policeforfreedom.org

Glen Jung
Glen is a former teacher and homeopath, now dedicated to investigative journalism that shines a light on the truth of government and scientific narratives. Glen is the founder of Brightlight News

B. Love
Her journey began in her early twenties, which should have been “the best years of her life” but instead were plagued with chronic hormonal imbalance, digestive issues, food sensitivities and more. Sick of being sick all the time, she sought help from Western medicine [sick care and disease management system] which suggested heart ablation and prescription drugs for life as the solution. She opted out and instead began her journey of self-healing and in time accomplished what her Western doctors said she could not do: healing herself of all her ailments

Sri Kirti Radha
Sri Kirti Radha is a neuroscientist and student of consciousness both from the perspective of Western Medicine and Ancient Wisdom Traditions.
She has been driven by the quest for innovative approaches to guide others in optimizing their mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. She has worked for over two decades with traumatized refugees and veterans from around the world and guided them through the process of aligning their thoughts, feelings and actions, thus strengthening their Unified Heart Field.

Cris Vleck
Cris is a 25 year communications strategist. Before the covid wars began Cris had been a stand up comic, founder of an advertising agency, social media officer for the provincial government, author and most recently, a screenwriter. Cris spotted the global deception early and has spent the last few years exposing lies and creating campaigns to combat the most diabolical psychological warfare operation in human history. He is one of the co-founders of Justice for the Vaccinated and co-host of The Fringe Majority livecast with his partner, Jody Ledgerwood.

Tracy Anne Zimmerman
Tracy is a public relations professional and a passionate advocate. Her passion and determination to advocate for change started at an early age. As a young child, she was raised by her mentally disabled mother in Canada’s most notorious and dangerous affordable housing project known as Regent Park. By the age of nine, Tracy’s executive functioning skills began to outperform her mother’s ability. She assumed all of the household and parenting responsibilities and became the primary caregiver for both her mother and five younger siblings. Unfortunately, by the age of 15, all of her younger siblings had been placed into the foster care system. This separation sparked a determinant fire under her to change her own circumstances so that she could someday care for her younger siblings again.