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{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\uc1\deff0 {\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Calibri{\*\falt Calibri};}{\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 Calibri{\*\falt Calibri};}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial{\*\falt Arial};}}{\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;}{\stylesheet{\s0\f0\fs24\cf0\sbasedon222\snext0\ql Default;}} {\*\listtable {\list\listtemplateid1200591602 \listhybrid{\listlevel\levelstartat1\levelold0\levelnfc10\levelnfcn10\levelfollow0}\listid4083076849}}{\*\listoverridetable {\listoverride\listid4083076849\listoverridecount0\ls1}}{\*\generator Adobe Acrobat Exchange-Pro 9.0.0}{\info{\author Timothy Kinnaird}{\creatim\yr2021\mo3\dy12\hr17\min52\sec51}{\revtim\yr2021\mo3\dy12\hr17\min52\sec51}{\id13625792}} \pard\plain\ql\f0\fs24\cf0 \paperh15840\paperw12240\margt1356\margr1190\margl1271\pghsxn16340\pgwsxn12240\margtsxn1856\margrsxn1190\marglsxn1271\par\'20\pard\pard\b\fs28 CPSO \b0\b\fs28 Complaint Form\b0\b\fs28 \b0\b\fs28 Dr\b0\b\fs28 .\b0\b\fs28 \b0\b\fs28 Tam\b0\b\fs28 \b0\ulnone\strike0\par\pard\b\fs28 SCHEDULE \ldblquote A\rdblquote \b0\ulnone\strike0\par\pard\fs22\f1 \ulnone\strike0\par\pard \li0\sa39\fs22 1.\fs22\f2 \fs22\f1 On or about January 22, 2020, as a member of the WHO \fs22 Health Emergencies Program \fs22 , Tam \fs22 voted, due to improper political interference, to delay\fs22 \fs22 the declaration of announcement of a \fs22 Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC)\fs22 , notwithstanding being explicitly \fs22 advised on January 15, 2020 by \fs22 Public Health Agency of Canada\fs22 \fs22 officials of the COVID\fs22 -\fs22 19 \fs22 pandemic occurring in China.\fs22 \par\li0\fs22 2.\fs22\f2 \fs22\f1 On or about January 29, 2020. Tam advised the complainant that there as no evidence to \fs22 require asymptoma\fs22 tic persons to quarantine.\fs22 \par\li0\fs22 3.\fs22\f2 \fs22\f1 On or about March 30, 2020, Tam provided medical advice to the complainant that wearing a \fs22 facial mask while asymptomatic was \ldblquote not beneficial\rdblquote , had negative health effects, and that it \fs22 provided a false sense of security.\fs22 \par\li0\fs22 4.\fs22\f2 \fs22\f1 On or abo\fs22 ut March 30, \fs22 202\fs22 0, Tam endorsed PCR testing as \ldblquote highly performing\rdblquote , when she knew \fs22 or ought to have known, that the PCR test was not designed for the detection of the COVID \fs22 -\fs22 19 \fs22 virus and furthermore resulted in a high number of inaccurate results.\fs22 \par\li0\fs22 5.\fs22\f2 \fs22\f1 On or abou\fs22 t May 21, 2020, Tam advised that parties who wished to challenge the evidence \fs22 regarding vaccines be censored and the right to free speech be denied on social media \fs22 platforms.\fs22 \par\li0\fs22 6.\fs22\f2 \fs22\f1 On or about December 3, 2020, Tam recommended the Pfizer vaccine and advised that\fs22 \fs22 it would \fs22 \ldblquote protect Canadians\rdblquote when she knew or ought to have known that significant research and \fs22 testing methods were omitted by Pfizer, thus rendering the vaccination potentially unsafe for \fs22 injection. Tam failed to properly advise the complainant of all r\fs22 isks of injury associated with the \fs22 Pfizer vaccine. \fs22 \par\li0\fs22 7.\fs22\f2 \fs22\f1 On or about February 10, 2021, Tam recommended as a treatment the widescale shutdown of \fs22 the economy when she knew or ought to have known that there was no scientific evidence in \fs22 support of said recommenda\fs22 tion, and furthermore, contradicted WHO policy advising against \fs22 widescale economic shutdowns.\fs22 \par\li0\sa0\fs22 8.\fs22\f2 \fs22\f1 Tam delayed recommending three\fs22 -\fs22 layer masks from June 12, 2020 when WHO made the policy \fs22 recommendation, until November 4, 2020.\fs22 \par\pard\par\pard\fs22 \ulnone\strike0 }